Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't really know what I'm going to write or how I am going to say it... Not that it matters, don't think anyone reads my blog (which is probably a good thing)... mostly just a way to vent, or express myself, or really anything that pops into my mind :) Was thinking alot today about how people always want what they can't have. Especially with guys. Why do girls push aside the guys that adore them, and want the guy they have absolutely no chance with? And why do they let their emotions run away with them when they promise themselves they won't get involved? Thinking about the quote "the heart does things for reason that reason itself does not understand" I guess what I would interpret it to be saying is that we don't always plan to be attracted to someone, (especially when you don't have a chance with them)... You can push you're emotions aside, and try to become "numb" towards them so that you won't suffer any heartbreak. But if you shut yourself off from emotion it only gathers deep inside you, no matter how deep you try to push it... haunting...It's been said that "Love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to"... But what if inspite of all you've done to prevent it you find yourself falling for the guy you know won't like you back... What happens then?

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