Sunday, November 9, 2008

Entry II

Let's see what do I need to get done today??? Messy bedroom (better clean that), laundry that needed doingy (uggg is it just me or does the laundry hamper just magically fill itself overnight), homework to do (oh great gotta study for that chem test)... Ahhh my life is getting say to crazy! How am I going to get all this done in the small time gap that my busy life permits?... felt a little overwhelming, made me think of how Martha probably felt when she got a visit from Jesus. She totally freaked and got all caught up in preparing everything instead of taking the time to enjoy God like her sister Mary. Martha spazzed out and got angry at Mary for neglecting all the preparations and work that needed to be accomplished, but Jesus answered her saying "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" Luke 10:41-42... I have a devotional book that I love "A Young woman after God's own heart" by Elizabeth George, In chapter 1 she talks about how in order to have a good strong relationship and a heart truly devoted to God, we must learn to take a break from our life and really spend some time enjoying God. Our lives are soooo full of things that need to be accomplished, and sometimes we spend too much time focusing on serving and working for God, that we forget that our relationship with God is a two way relationship. It's not merely us serving Him, He really wants you to get to know Him better -He wants to be your best friend:)... Anyways trying to stay on topic, our lives do get busy, but we must remember to take time to "hang out" with God getting to know Him better through His word. Luke 10:39 sets a good example for us saying that Mary"sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said."... Although there is sooo much to do in such a short time span, we need to train ourselves to relax and hang with our Best Friend :)

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