Sunday, March 8, 2009

a small broken book

Imagine your life as a book. Everything you've ever done put into writing and bound with a leather cover. Now imagine yourself in a little room with a table. On the table is a small book only big enough to hold 17 chapters. The book is bound in brown cracked leather, and on the front in tiny gold letters are the words "the book of Lindsey". As you have well guessed, it is the story of my life, each chapter representing every year I have lived so far. Some of the pages are illustrated with bright colors, and others are more worn, showing smudges where tears fell. Five pages near the end are dog-eared and almost unintelligible anymore due to the smudges and tears. Looking carefully you notice that the pages have been hastily torn from the book and then later someone came and carefully taped them back together. In the corner of the pages there are what appear to have been little smileys and hearts, happy things that were lovingly drawn there with care and then later became icons of sadness, unable to enjoy them any longer it was ripped apart from the other pages, and attempted to be forgotten. But broken as they may be, those pages represent a part of my life, and therefore remain in my book. Although I may wish to forget them, to wish they I could go back and erase everything, they stay in my book as a painful reminder of those days. Sadly you turn to the next page, on it you see written in a small rather shaky print are the words "How priceless is your unfailing love, oh God! People take refuge in the shadow or your wings." Psalm 36:7 Although sometimes there are parts of the book that are broken and painful to look at or read, you begin to notice how someone has gone through the book, wiped away any of the stains, and written in the most perfectly perfect way "I love you more than anything you could ever ask or imagine"... you stop a minute and think about it. Wow could it really be true that someone could have such unconditional love and care for that little broken book? Does the Creator of all the books care so much about each and every one of them with such utter devotion? Yes!... Now follow me with your imagination to another book, this one has your name on the cover, now open it up. Does it have the perfectly perfect "I love you more than you can ask or imagine" faithfully written through it? Have you given your book to the One that created it in the first place?

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