Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow! What a day... working as a nanny for triplets can be pretty hard sometimes, can't imagine doing it full time. Although working with these kids has definitely raised my appreciation for mothers. Since it's been super cold outside lately we haven't been able to play outside, and we're all cooped up in the house -sometimes a little challenging for high energy kids ;) This morning we all got to watch it snow through window, adorable how it completely captivated their interest. After that all they could talk about was "Is it almost Christmas time?" "I saw saw it snow so that means it's Christmas right?" We decided to make little construction paper Christmas Trees and cut out little foam ornaments to go on them. Interesting to watch them each individualize the little masterpieces each adding their favorite colors and personal touch. The boys took off after finishing their trees, but Olivia being the only girl likes to follow me around and be my little helper:)
Whatever I'm doing cooking, cleaning, laundry, she tags along and tries to help, so cute. Although I usually refold the laundry after she leaves it's great that she's so eager to be of help. When I get her ready for school we like to give her pretty hairdos and experiment by trying different styles every week (usually involving lots of pretty hair bows and "hair prettys" as
Olivia calls them).
The boys are a little more of a challenge, (not really sure how to deal with all that energy). Since there are two of them though, they play together, although that can become a slight hazard as sometimes it evolves into wrestling and kicking. I must admit they are really creative though, and amaze me with the hilarious and clever little inventions they make out of tinkertoys and blocks. Another favorite of theirs is to dress up like superheros and play with their nerf guns, involving jumping off the couch and a vast amount off screaming. Really sweet little boys though, they give me lots of hugs throughout the day :)
It may be hard sometimes to manage them, but I'm really thankful for this job, and thankful to have these precious little people a part of my life...

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